2013年8月14日 星期三

New equipment speeds up procedures

Thanks to advancing technology, two dental offices in the Middletown area are prepared to meet immediate needs for crowns, inlays and onlays.

Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry in Middletown and Fedorciw & Massoumi in Cromwell are using a new piece of equipment called the E4D Dentist system.

“It’s a digital impression machine,” said Dr. Peter Nelson of Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry, “which means instead of impression material in your mouth, we use a laser scanner and a video camera. The best part about the new procedure is that we can have patients come in and have their crowns or inlays that same day.”

The system is in two major parts, said Dr. Mehran Massoumi.

“One is a computer screen, which we use to observe the pictures we take with the laser scanner,” Massoumi said. “Once we have the 3D image generate and have manipulated it like we want it, we send it to the milling machine in the next room to start cutting it.”

Previously this sort of procedure could take two to four weeks to complete. Nelson said the dentists would have to take the impression using “goopy impression material, then send it out to a lab.”

The lab Nelson uses is in Idaho, which explains the time it takes, but the system that would usually take weeks to complete is now available in a single office and can be completed in one day within a span of approximately two hours.

E4D uses CAD CAM technology.

“Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing will show us the tooth we’re working on and the adjacent teeth, and we can work with the image right on the screen,” Massoumi said.

If the doctor were to find it necessary, he could send the images to the lab and have the doctors there critique or design the crown, send back their input and then mill it in the original office.

“Generally a procedure like this is for someone that has broken a tooth or has severe damage,” Nelson said, “A crown is what is used to restore a tooth that is damaged all around, where an inlay or onlay is a partial restoration.”

The restorations are made out of a hybrid porcelain compound from a crystalline glass-ceramic, lithium disilicate.

According to Nelson, this material is stronger than the traditional material, which was generally gold or porcelain, and looks nicer.

Once the restoration is critiqued and corrected, the doctor will match the color of the tooth. He uses about three to four shades to make it realistic looking, Nelson said.

Though new technology is expensive, Nelson said, “The system will pay for itself very soon. It cuts costs for labs and shipping, which I can then pass on to the customer.”

Nelson also assures that the quality will remain the same, despite the in-house procedure.

Massoumi says that at his office, the fee for the new procedure compared to the traditional procedure will be the same.

“Really, the biggest aspect is the speed,” Nelson said.

Massoumi says the real benefit is how precise it is.

“The crown is made from the scan of the tooth, then digitally cut by robotic arms to fit exactly the way it is supposed to,” Massoumi said. “There’s no room for human error.”

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